Stage 1. "Analysis of the conjuncture of the consumption of high -temperature thermal insulation materials in separate segments"
- The most significant players in the Russian market of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
- The relationship between the volume of consumption of high -temperature thermal insulation materials and the type of company (scale of activity, industry)
- Trends in changes in the conjuncture of the consumption of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
- The most promising materials for replacement
Stage 2. Analysis of the conjuncture of the proposal in the Russian market of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
The format of information on manufacturers of high -temperature thermal insulation materials:
- Total production volume
- The share of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
- Industries for which high -temperature thermal insulation materials are supplied
- Product characteristics
- Prices for high -temperature thermal insulation materials
Stage 3. Analysis, conclusions in the Russian market of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
- The total volume of the Russian market of high -temperature thermal insulation materials in the studied areas
- The share of the most significant suppliers of high -temperature thermal insulation materials
- The structure of consumption of high -temperature thermal insulation materials in the context of the studied segments
- Advantages and disadvantages of the main goods-prostitutes (quality/prices)
- Trends and prospects for the development of the market of high -temperature isolation
- The ability to replace competitive products with products and materials based on calcium silicate
- Consumer preferences in the field of high -temperature isolation (by industry)
- Conclusions about the possible size of the segment of products based on calcium silicate in the high -temperature isolation market.