1. General information on the market of polymer films in Russia, 2010-2015
- segmentation of PVC films by type and areas of application. Description of technical and economic indicators presented by consumers in each segment.
- competition of PVC films with other materials (PE, PP, etc.). Description of the advantages and disadvantages of PVC films in comparison with other materials on segments. Existing trends/drivers of the application of certain materials on segments.
2. Statistics of demand for films, 2010-2015. PVC consumption volumes in the context of:
- segments
- in federal districts
3. The internal sentence of the film.
- the profile of the company, including segments of presence, production capacities and business development plans
- Film production statistics by segments (2010-2015)
4. Structure of films of films, 2010-2015
- by segments/countries/manufacturers/consumers
- Description of importers, their competitive advantages/disadvantages compared to Russian suppliers, import drivers in the Russian Federation
5. Structure of export of films, 2010-2015
- by segments/suppliers/countries/buyers
6. Prices for films, 2014-2016 1kV.
- statistics of prices of local manufacturers of film in the context of segments
- Statistics of prices of imported film producers in the context of segments/countries
7. Forecast of film consumption in the Russian Federation 2016 - 2020
- Drivers for demand for segments
- model of forecasting film consumption by segments (MS Excel)
- Forecast of film consumption by segments for 5 years