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Innovative technologies of foreign manufacturers of beer. Benchmarketing


Дата разработки: 07.08.2012

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Innovative technologies of foreign manufacturers of beer. Benchmarketing

The format of the result.

1.1. Chapter. Identification of the most modern and advanced world factories producers of beer. Providing information about 50 factories. The following data will be provided for each enterprise:

  • Entering holding/groups of companies
  • Year of creation/year of modernization (not earlier than 2009)
  • Scale of activity (production volume/revenue)

1.2. Chapter. The collection of general information about the applied innovative technologies at identified enterprises. The following information will be presented for each enterprise:

  • A list of innovative technologies used in identified enterprises:
  • energy control systems
  • Using alternative energy sources
  • waste disposal systems
  • energy conservation technologies
  • staff training systems
  • Review of waste
  • etc.
  • publicly declared information about the technology used by the enterprise

1.3. The collection and provision of an expanded format on the applied technologies at 10-20 enterprises. Providing such information as:

  • The volume of investment in innovative projects
  • implementation period
  • The effectiveness of application
  • Supplier of equipment/services
  • Personals engaged in the introduction of technology at the factory

2.1. Assessment of the possibility/feasibility of using identified innovative technologies in Russia. For each technology, the following information will be collected and provided:

  • Assessment of key factors contributing to the successful implementation of innovative technology at the enterprise
  • Identification of the conditions of management of the studied enterprise (the availability of state support, tax benefits, the cost of resources, pr.)
  • Comparison of the situation with Russian reality (business conditions)
  • Determination of the main obstacles to the introduction of technology in Russia (for example, the absence of an appropriate regulatory framework, etc.)
  • Determination of the main positive factors that contribute to the successful implementation of technology
  • Assessment of the prospects for the implementation of this technology in Russia

3.1. Identification of 2-3 potential suppliers of technology/equipment for each technology. The following information will be presented for each company:

  • Experience in this area

3.2. Negotiations with representatives of identified companies for the supply of technology/equipment. In total, negotiations with 6-7 companies will be held. During the negotiations, it is necessary to provide the necessary information from the customer to receive commercial offers. As a result of negotiations, the following information and commercial offers containing the following data will be presented.

  • Efractor-concrete information (VKL. CL)
  • The level of interest in cooperation
  • Conditions under which they are ready to cooperate
  • The cost of conditions
  • Deadline
  • Preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the project

File name: ТЗ-318-2012