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Study of the trout and sturgeon market


Дата разработки: 18.11.2013

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Study of the trout and sturgeon market

Purpose of research

Project products:

- trout (chilled, salty, smoked),

- Opestr (chilled and smoked).

- minimum wholesale prices for project products,

- the actual growth period of trout and sturgeon to commodity weight,

- feed conversion coefficient,

- Losses for smoking and picking,

- Assessment of export potential

1. Information on the largest fish farms in the Central Federal District:

1.1. Pisces growing technology

1.2. The real time of growing sturgeon to commodity weight

1.3. The real time for growing trout to commodity weight

1.4. Water temperature range

1.5. Feed conversion per kilogram sturgeon

1.6. Feed conversion per kilogram of trout

1.7. Plans for the development of sturgeon production and trout

2. Information on the processors of sturgeon and trout

2.1 A real percentage of waste after processing sturgeon and trout

2.2 production of production.

3. Import of sturgeon and trout in 2011-2013

3.1. The total volume of sturgeon imports to Russia for 2011-2013

3.2. Distribution of sturgeon imports by type (chilled, smoked)

3.3. Prices for the imported zero for 2011-2013

3.4. The total import of trout into Russia for 2011-2013

3.5. Distribution of trout imports by type (chilled, salty, smoked)

3.6. Prices for the imported trout for 2011-2013

4. Execute export and trout in 2011-2013

4.1. The total volume of sturgeon exports from Russia for 2011-2013

4.2. The distribution of sturgeon exports by type (chilled, smoked)

4.3. Prices for the exported occasion in 2011-2013

4.4. The total export of trout from Russia for 2011-2013

4.5. Distribution of trout exports by type (chilled, salty, smoked)

4.6. Prices for exported trout in 2011-2013

File name: ТЗ-428-2013