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Glucose-fruel syrups market research


Дата разработки: 11.08.2011

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Glucose-fruel syrups market research

1. Production of the GFZ and substitutes in Russia

1.1 Study of existing manufacturers

  • Efremovsky glucose-path plant (cargill)
  • Novlyansky starch-brewer (Aston)
  • Ibredredchekhmalpatoka (Aston)
  • Gulkevichi starch plant
  • Cossack starch-brewing plant
  • Miller's Glucose-Maltose Combine (Amilko)
  • Khobotovsky starch-path plant
  • Zvyaginsky starch plant

  • SFS production capacities
  • capacity for the production of replacement goods SFS
  • The volume of production of the SFS in 2010 or 2011,
  • The volume of production of SFS-substitutes in 2010 or 2011,
  • assessment of the degree of interchangeability of the SFS and its analogues,
  • a comparative level of prices for the SFS and analogues,
  • plans for creating or expanding capacities in the SFS, project indicators,
  • Assessment of the level of competition in the SFS and analogues market,
  • Assessment of the impact of imports on the SFS and analogues market.

2.2 Study of projects to create new SFS industries

- planned production capacity

- The estimated period of starting production,

- assessment of the probability of launch.

3. Import of the SFS and replacement goods

3.1 The volume of imports of the SFS in natural and monetary terms

3.2 volume of imports of glucose syrup in natural and monetary terms

3.3 The volume of imports of maltose syrup in natural and monetary terms

3.4 The volume of imports of other SFS-substitutes in natural and monetary terms

3.5 Prices for the SFS and analogues.

4. Study of demand for the SFS and replacement goods in Russia

4.1 The volume of consumption of the SFS, the volume of consumption of glucose syrup, a maltose syrup,

molasses, other SFS-substitutes,

4.2 Technological compatibility of the use of the SFS and analogues (viscosity, the content of reducing substances)

4.3 Recipe compatibility of using the SFS and analogues, the practice and results of such substitutions (including the impact on the stability of taste), reviews on the quality of various syrups used,

4.4 ratio of prices for the SFS and analogues

5. Studying the foreign market of the SFS and replacement goods

6. Evaluation of the capacity of the SFS market and replacement goods

7. Assessment of the sufficiency of the supply in the market, taking into account the capacities and plans of manufacturers.

8. Conclusions and recommendations on the creation of a new production of the SFS

File name: ТЗ-419-2011