1. The conjuncture of the supply of potatoes by Russian manufacturers
1.1. The most significant farms in the Central Federal District for Growing Potato
1.2. The availability of partnerships of farms with companies Frito Lay and RSK
1.3. The participation of farms in the Agro program of Frito Lay (the share of compulsory volume for Frito Lai, the ability to work with other consumers, the availability of special prices)
1.4. Current potato prices when delivering from 500 tons/month for potato varieties (the content of starch and reducing sugars)
2. The conjuncture of potatoes. supplied by foreign companies in 2010
2.1. The main companies-suppliers of potatoes to the territory of the Russian Federation
2.2. Prices for potatoes of various suppliers in 2010
3. The level of procurement prices of RSK and Frito Lai