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Study of the market for raw materials and finished products of deep grain processing


Дата разработки: 11.12.2013

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Study of the market for raw materials and finished products of deep grain processing

Deep processing of grain (hereinafter - GPZ)

1. The objectives of the study

1.1. Determining the potential of the GPZ market in the Russian Federation, taking into account the sale of products in the domestic market and for export.

1.2. The determination of the main competitive advantages in the implementation of the GPZ project in the Russian Federation, as well as the possibility of obtaining a significant share in the domestic market and a sustainable position in the world market.

2. The main objectives of the study

2.1. Determining the premises and conditions for the development of GPZ in the Russian Federation.

2.2. Analysis of the domestic and world markets of GPZ products (including data on sales prices), promising areas of the GPP, as well as factors affecting the pricing and competitiveness of the GPZ products in domestic and world markets.

2.3. Analysis of the main groups of consumers of GPZ products in the domestic and foreign markets in accordance with areas of use and accounting of logistics.

2.4. Analysis of the currently implemented, as well as the declared GPZ projects in the Russian Federation, including: location, production indicators, raw materials consumed and a list of products, estimated terms for commissioning and reaching design capacity.

2.5. The forecast (at least 10 years) demand and proposals for GPZ products in the domestic and world markets, including analysis of the competitive environment.

2.6. Analysis of the "windows of capabilities" in the domestic and global GPZ markets and the development of recommendations on the appropriate depth of grain processing (stages of starch, syrups, enzyme, and further), optimal nomenclature and volume of products.

2.7. Development of recommendations for the development of bio -cluster based on the GPZ enterprise.

2.8. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of various types of raw materials (wheat, corn) for GPZ and the development of relevant recommendations. Description of the possibilities of using an alternative (additional) type of raw materials for deep processing.

2.9. Analysis of existing and promising measures of state support for the GPZ and the mechanisms of their financing at the federal and regional levels.

2.10. Analysis of the attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation, with the formation of the rating of regions for the location of the enterprise (Y) of the GPZ and the submission of the recommended list of regions (at least 12 enterprises, in at least 4 federal districts).

2.11. Description of the forecast and risks associated with the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products in recommended federal districts.

2.12. Analysis of possible directions for improving the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in order to stimulate consumption and demand for GPZ products

(Technical regulations, environmental norms and requirements, excise taxes, duties, non -tariff measures, etc.), expanding and opening "windows of opportunities".

2.13. Analysis of world practice of state support for production (at least five countries - main manufacturers) of GPZ products, stimulation of consumption and demand (at least five countries - largest consumers) for GPZ products.

File name: ТЗ-456-2013