1. General consumption of greenhouse vegetables in the FOR/Territories, determining the structure of consumption by type of product: cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper. Trends in the structure of consumption over the past 3-5 years, a forecast for 3-5 years.
2. The capacity of the commercial market of greenhouse vegetables cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper (with details of open/closed soil) in the PHO and regions of the Russian Federation in the context of categories and types of products.
3. Balance of consumption and offer (security of the commercial market): general, regional, in the context of categories and types of products.
4. Trends in consumption in territories and a forecast for 5 years based on the dynamics of the population, income level and changes in infrastructure and development of greenhouse production of categories and types of products.
II production
1. The structure of internal production (gross fee) according to the PHOs and regions in the Russian Federation of vegetables (tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, green by type and varieties) in all categories of farms.
2. Analysis of manufacturers of greenhouse vegetables of open and closed soil in the Russian Federation:
Name, certificate of shareholders
The plants included in the composition (if it is a group of companies or holding), the date of launch into operation
total area
Productive capacity
Market share (current/planned)
Structure: soil/hydroponics, an area with dosyle, without exhausting
Production structure with division into categories and types of products with production volumes by months
Productivity of vegetables in the context of categories and types of products
The presence of their own sources of energy supply, power; current tariffs
Geography, volumes, average prices of vegetable sales through sales (wholesale, networks, traditional retail)
III Sales structure
1. The structure of the commercial market of fresh vegetables (cucumber, tomato, green, eggplant, pepper) through sales channels with top 10 (wholesale, network, traditional retail) in territories in the context of months.
2. Actual rating of grocery retail in the Russian Federation: revenue, number of outlets, outlets format. The geography of the presence in federal districts with a share in each region.
3. The estate structure of sales of greenhouse vegetables tomato, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, green leaders TOP-10. Detailing by f.
4. Accessories in sales channels (wholesale, purchase of networks, retail prices) with details by categories and types.
IV import and export
1. The volumes of import/export of greenhouse vegetables by type in the context of months, structure by countries and types of products, import prices for periods and types.
V The expected increase in the area and production volumes of vegetables of protected soil with division into categories (forecast until 2025) and manufacturers