Types of the studied product products
- unprocessed aquatic biological resources (fresh, cooled, frozen);
- Recycled aquatic biological resources (smoking, preserves, etc.).
A list of studied types of aquatic biological resources and sites (hereinafter - the List):
- studied aquatic biological resources - trout, carp, sturgeon;
- The studied sites of the possible placement of aquacultural production-Irkutsk, Angarsk, Ust-Ilymsk.
1. Map for the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the map):
Altai Republic
The Republic of Buryatia
Tyva Republic
The Republic of Khakassia
Altai region
Transbaikal region
Krasnoyarsk region
Irkutsk region
Kemerovo region
Novosibirsk region
Omsk region
Tomsk region
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2. The structure of consumption in the region by type of aquatic biological resources (in kind and value terms) for 2014-2017. Analysis of the dynamics of consumption volumes in natural and value terms for each type of aquatic biological resources according to the list for 2014-2017, including per capita and in the context of the largest cities of the region. Assessment of market capacity for each type of aquatic biological resources on the list: potential (including for the prospect of 5 (five) years), actually mastered by the players of the market.
3. The structure of production (including the production of aquaculture) in the region according to the types of aquatic biological resources (in kind and value terms) for 2014-2017. Analysis of the dynamics of production volumes (including the production of aquaculture) in natural and value terms for each type of aquatic biological resources according to the list for 2014-2017, including per capita.
4. Analysis of the dynamics of wholesale and retail prices in the region and in the adjacent territories (Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo Region) according to the most common types of aquatic biological resources in the market and for each type of aquatic biological resources on the list for 2014-2017. The compilation of the ramps of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation specified in this paragraph, with the highest and smallest wholesale and retail prices (separately for each type of aquatic biological resources according to the list).
5. Analysis of imports in the region in natural and cost terms (2014-2017). Analysis of the structure of imports into the region for 2014-2017. For each type of aquatic biological resources on the list. The shares of countries (regions) of suppliers in the volume of supplies in natural and value terms. The main importers companies. Analysis of the dynamics of wholesale prices for 2014-2017.
6. Analysis of export volumes from the region in natural and value terms (2014-2017). Analysis of the structure of exports from the region for 2014-2017. For each type of aquatic biological resources on the list. The shares of countries (regions) of recipients in terms of supply in natural and value terms. The main exporting companies. Analysis of the dynamics of wholesale prices for 2014-2017. This paragraph must separately provide data on aquaculture (artificial breeding).
7. Calculation for each type of aquatic biological resources on the list of annual balances for 2014-2017. In the balance sheet for each subject of the Russian Federation specified in clause 1 of this task, it is necessary to reflect:
- consumption of aquatic biological resources, TN;
- production of aquatic biological resources (jointly catch and production of aquacultures), TN;
- imports of aquatic biological resources, TN;
- export of aquatic biological resources, TN;
- consumption of aquatic biological resources per capita, kg;
- wholesale prices of aquatic biological resources, rub./kg.
8. Analysis of imports/own production of feed for the grown aquacultures for 2014-2017. Shares of suppliers and recipients in the volume of supplies in natural and value terms. Analysis of the dynamics of wholesale prices (in ruble and currency expression) for 2014-2017.
9. Analysis of the main companies of suppliers and recipients of the fish supply material of the aquacultures for each type of aquatic biological resources on the list. Shares of companies in terms of supply/consumption in natural and value terms. Analysis of price dynamics for 2014-2017.
10. Analysis of the incubation market for caviar and increasing fry in the region: organizations providing such services and the cost of the services themselves (for each type of aquatic biological resources according to the list).
11. Analysis of the processing market for aquatic biological resources in the region (smoking, preserves, etc.): organizations providing such services and the cost of the services themselves (for each type of aquatic biological resources for the list and types of processing). The action of this paragraph of the assignment applies only to the territory of the Irkutsk region.
12. Description of the main potential buyers for each type of aquaculture on the list. Analysis of input prices and supplies, procurement volumes. Requirements for consumers for commodity aquaculture: weight, size, color, level of processing (with head / without head, gutted / undesirable, fresh / cooled / frozen). Changing the price depending on the combination of the requirements specified in this paragraph.
13. Analysis of competitors for each type of aquatic biological resources on the list in the region and in the adjacent territories (Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo Region). Annual production volumes by type of aquatic biological resources, wholesale prices, plans for changing volumes. For competitors-manufacturers specified in this paragraph and selling their products including In the region, it is necessary to additionally submit data on retail prices, main buyers and sales channels. This paragraph must separately provide data on aquaculture (artificial breeding).
14. Analysis of the necessary wholesale prices for each type of aquaculture on the list when the large supplier enters the market (with volumes of 100, 200, 300 tons per year).
15. Analysis of orders for the burden of reservoirs for 2014-2017. The main customers in the region and the Republic of Buryatia. Volumes of orders (analysis of electronic tender sites) in natural and value terms. Forecasts for buries in natural and price expression on the prospect of 5 (five) years.
16. Analysis of the prospects of export abroad of aquacultures on the list. Possible volumes and prices of aquacultors on the list when exporting abroad (indicating the transport component in price). The main potential foreign buyers, possible procurement volumes on their part, the requirements for commodity meat of aquacultures according to the list.
17. Argumented Conclusion:
17.1. By type of aquacultures that have the best market prospects in the region’s market. Possible sales volumes and wholesale prices, including for the prospect of 5 (five) years;
17.2. On the most priority site for the placement of new aquacultural production (in accordance with the list) from the point of view of market prospects.