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Studies of the feed market in the segment of the largest egg producers


Дата разработки: 14.05.2019

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Studies of the feed market in the segment of the largest egg producers

  1. The main purchased compound feeds and their individual components
  2. Compound feeding requirements and individual components
  3. Wishes for the quality of compound feeds (the value of indicators - protein, etc.)
  4. The degree of interest in obtaining a proposal from the new gluten supplier
  5. Contacts of key persons affecting the choice of a compound feeder

The composition of the poultry farms:

  • PF "Sinyavinskaya", Leningradskaya
  • "Volzhanin", Yaroslavl region.
  • "PF" Roskar ", Leningrad region.
  • "PF" Borovskaya ", Tyumen region.
  • "PF" Sverdlovsk "
  • "PF" Bashkir "
  • "PF" Chelyabinsk "
  • "PF" Varaxino ", Udmurt region.
  • "Agrofirm" Seimovskaya PF ", Nizhny Novgorod region.
  • "Okskaya"
  • Belorechenskoye, Irkutsk region.
  • PF Komsomolskaya, Perm Territory
  • PC "AK BARS" ("PF" Jarate ")
  • "Belyanka", Belgorod region.
  • "PF" Inskaya ", Kemerovo region.
  • "Chebarkul bird", Chelyabinsk region.
  • Vlazerneprodukt, Vladimir region.
  • "PF" Atemarskaya ", the Republic of Mordovia
  • "PF" Pyshminskaya ", Tyumen region.
  • OK "Oredezh", Leningrad region.
File name: ТЗ-147-2019