- The main purchased compound feeds and their individual components
- Compound feeding requirements and individual components
- Wishes for the quality of compound feeds (the value of indicators - protein, etc.)
- The degree of interest in obtaining a proposal from the new gluten supplier
- Contacts of key persons affecting the choice of a compound feeder
The composition of the poultry farms:
- PF "Sinyavinskaya", Leningradskaya
- "Volzhanin", Yaroslavl region.
- "PF" Roskar ", Leningrad region.
- "PF" Borovskaya ", Tyumen region.
- "PF" Sverdlovsk "
- "PF" Bashkir "
- "PF" Chelyabinsk "
- "PF" Varaxino ", Udmurt region.
- "Agrofirm" Seimovskaya PF ", Nizhny Novgorod region.
- "Okskaya"
- Belorechenskoye, Irkutsk region.
- PF Komsomolskaya, Perm Territory
- PC "AK BARS" ("PF" Jarate ")
- "Belyanka", Belgorod region.
- "PF" Inskaya ", Kemerovo region.
- "Chebarkul bird", Chelyabinsk region.
- Vlazerneprodukt, Vladimir region.
- "PF" Atemarskaya ", the Republic of Mordovia
- "PF" Pyshminskaya ", Tyumen region.
- OK "Oredezh", Leningrad region.